Commonly Asked Questions and Answers
What is the Army and what does it mean to be in the Army?
LeXpunK Army is a community that brings BUIDLers, HODLers & DEgens together with lawyERRGHs to innovate the culture, practice and substance of law for the new age of autonomous technologies. Just like cypherpunks were cryptography technologists, hobbyists & hackers with a punk mentality, lexpunks are lawyers, legal technologists and 'legal hackers' with a punk mentality.
What can I do in the Army?
Come chat, share your ideas, hack on others' ideas, and participate in snapshot voting with L3X.
What is the DAO?
LeXpunK_DAO1 is the first DAO of the LeXpunK Army. It is a cryptolaw advocacy fund devoted to promoting the interests of builder-first DeFi communities. More LeXpunK DAOs with other LeXpunK-relevant purposes will eventually arise. We think DAOs are best kept relatively small and focused.
What is the difference?
LeXpunK Army is for everyone who wants to help foster autonomous law. LeXpunK DAOs are for those who wish to contribute funding to specific initiatives.
What is the L3X token?
L3X is the non-transferable reputational token of the LeXpunK army, given to trusted community members who evince the LeXpunK spirit.
Is the token trading?
Can I make lambo money?
Not directly, but for those in private practice, we believe that as the community grows it could become a flourishing referral and collaboration network of like-minded workers who synergize their opportunities. For the majority of our community, this provides an unprecedented opportunity to come out of your silo and learn from one another.
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